

Keep Pushing!

Keep Pushing!

Keep Pushing!Keep Pushing!Keep Pushing!

Over 50 doesn't have to be over the hill.  

Hold on to goals that you have been thinking about, 

and create new ones.

About Me


Track Tuesday

Open Practice


Rebels Track

Event Details

Track Tuesday

Open Practice

I have re-embraced my need for speed, and try to run a quality interval session every week.  In most weather, I run at a high school track. ...

Event Details


Rebels Track

Long Run Saturday

Heartbreak Hill

8:00 am

Fire House to BC

Event Details

Long Run Saturday

Heartbreak Hill

During the buildup to Boston, I run with Joint Ventures out of Kenmore Square, or often just run to the hills on my own.

It is amazing how ma...

Event Details

8:00 am

Fire House to BC

Contact Me

Marathon Strides Against MS

My supporters mean the world to me. 

Each year, I run Boston Marathon with the team

Marathon Strides Against Multiple Sclerosis (MSAMS).  

The comaraderie is great, and my teammates, several of whom have MS, have so many inspiring stories.

To learn more about how you may join or contribute, visit: 

50 Under 5

Heartbreak Hill, MA

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